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John Harrox Primary School John Harrox Primary School

John Harrox Primary School

Years 3 & 4 Dahl, Fine and King-Smith Classes

Year 3&4  News

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  • 13/10/24

    Moulton Windmill

    The children in Year 3/4 took a trip to Moulton Windmill. We had a great time learning about the history of the Mill and we had the opportunity to climb to the top of Britain's tallest windmill. We are now using all the facts we have learnt within our English and History lessons. 
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  • 20/06/24

    Sports Week

    Sports Week was blessed with better weather than Sports Day! We have loved the opportunity to experience such a variety of sports including Capoeira, Athletics, Goal Ball and Musical Theatre.
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  • 20/06/24

    Sports Day

    What a wonderful day Sports Day was! All of the 3/4 pupils raced fantastically throughout the afternoon. Whether they won or not, the pupils all tried they best and it was wonderful to hear them all cheering each other on!
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  • 20/06/24

    Nene Park Trip

    We had a wonderful time on our Nene Park trip. We learnt lots about the River Nene’s land use and looked at the flood plains around Nene park. We enjoyed visiting Swallow bridge and measuring the flow of the river using dog biscuits! Seeing some cute goslings was a bonus too!
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  • 24/04/24

    Year 3/4 Science Lesson!

    In science this term, we are learning about the parts of plants.
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